

  • Evaluating Whether Radiofrequency Irradiation Attenuated UV-B-Induced Skin Pigmentation by Increasing Melanosomal Autophagy and Decreasing Melanin Synthesis.
    Kim HM, Oh S, Yang JY, Sun HJ, Jang M, Kang D, Son KH, Byun K
    Department of Anatomy & Cell Biology, Gachon University College of Medicine(韓国)
    Int J Mol Sci 2021; 22 (19): 10724
  • Melatonin: a Potential Shield against Electromagnetic Waves.
    Jammoul M, Lawand N
    Department of Anatomy, Cell Biology and Physiological Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, American University of Beirut(レバノン)
    Curr Neuropharmacol 2021: Online
  • Effects of a radio frequency electromagnetic field on honey bee larvae (Apis mellifera) differ in relation to the experimental study design.
    ミツバチ(Apis mellifera)の幼虫に対する高周波電磁界の影響は実験研究デザインに関連して異なる
    Vilić M, Žaja IZ, Tkalec M, Štambuk A, Šrut M, Klobučar G, Malarić K, Tucak P, Pašić S, Gajger IT
    Department of Physiology and Radiobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Zagreb(クロアチア)
    Vet Arh 2021; 91 (4): 427-435
  • Interpretation of Timetrends (1996-2017) of the Incidence of Selected Cancers in England in Relation to Mobile Phone Use as a Possible Risk Factor.
    de Vocht F
    Population Health Sciences, University of Bristol(英国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
  • Effect of Radiation Emitted by Wireless Devices on Male Reproductive Hormones: A Systematic Review.
    Maluin SM, Osman K, Jaffar FHF, Ibrahim SF
    Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)(マレーシア)
    Front Physiol 2021; 12: 732420
  • The detrimental effect of cell phone radiation on sperm biological characteristics in normozoospermic.
    Hassanzadeh-Taheri M, Khalili MA, Hosseininejad Mohebati A, Zardast M, Hosseini M, Palmerini MG, Doostabadi MR
    Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Birjand University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Andrologia 2021: Online
  • Optimal Transmit Coil Design for Wirelessly Powered Biomedical Implants Considering Magnetic Field Safety Constraints.
    Andersen E, Casados C, Truong BD, Roundy S
    Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Utah(米)
    IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 2021: Online
  • Local Dosimetry at Cellular and Subcellular Level in HF and Millimeter-Wave Bands.
    Haider Z, Nikolayev D, Le Dréan Y, De Angelis A, Liberti M, Sauleau R, Zhadobov M
    CNRS, Institut d’Électronique et des Technologies du numéRique (IETR), UMR 6164, Univ Rennes(フランス)
    IEEE Journal of Microwaves 2021; 1 (4): 1003-1014
  • Design and Dosimetric Characterization of a Broadband Exposure Facility for In Vitro Experiments in the Frequency Range 18-40.5 GHz.
    18-40.5 GHzの周波数範囲でのイン・ビトロ実験用の広帯域ばく露施設の設計およびドシメトリの特徴付け
    Schmid G, Hirtl R, Gronau I, Meyer V, Drees K, Lerchl A
    Seibersdorf Laboratories(オーストリア)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2021: Online
  • Spatial variability of outdoor exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone base stations, in Khartoum, Sudan.
    Mohammed MOA, Elzaki AA, Babiker BA, Eid OI
    Faculty of Public and Environmental Health, Department of Environmental Health & Environmental Studies, Khartoum University(スーダン)
    Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 2021: Online
  • Human‑made electromagnetic fields: Ion forced‑oscillation and voltage‑gated ion channel dysfunction, oxidative stress and DNA damage (Review).
    Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, Yakymenko I, Chrousos GP
    aboratory of Health Physics, Radiobiology and Cytogenetics, Institute of Nuclear and Radiological Sciences and Technology, Energy and Safety, National Center for Scientific Research 'Demokritos'(ギリシャ)
    Int J Oncol 2021; 59 (5): 92
  • Assessment of cell phone effect on dental socket healing in rat.
    Shojaee M, Seyed Majidi M, Jenabian N, Ebrahimi M, Yazdi M, Asgharpour F, Roohi A, Motallebnejad M
    Student Research Committee, Babol University of medical Sciences(イラン)
    Minerva Dent Oral Sci 2021: Online
  • Assessment of Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Review and Future Directions.
    Hirata A, Diao Y, Onishi T, Sasaki K, Ahn S, Colombi D, de Santis V, Laakso I, Giaccone L, Joseph W, Rashed EA, Kainz W, Chen J
    Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology(日本)
    IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 2021: Online
  • Cellular effects of terahertz waves.
    Cherkasova OP, Serdyukov DS, Nemova EF, Ratushnyak AS, Kucheryavenko AS, Dolganova IN, Xu G, Skorobogatiy M, Reshetov IV, Timashev PS, Spektor IE, Zaytsev KI, Tuchin VV
    Institute of Laser Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences(ロシア)
    J Biomed Opt 2021; 26 (9)
  • Residential extremely low frequency magnetic fields and skin cancer.
    Khan MW, Juutilainen J, Naarala J, Roivainen P
    Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, University of Eastern Finland(フィンランド)
    Occup Environ Med 2021: Online
  • Electromagnetic Fields Modify Redox Balance in the Rat Gastrointestinal Tract.
    Sieroń K, Knapik K, Onik G, Romuk E, Birkner E, Kwiatek S, Sieroń A
    Chair of Physiotherapy, Department of Physical Medicine, School of Health Sciences in Katowice, Medical University of Silesia in Katowice(ポーランド)
    Front Public Health 2021; 9: 710484
  • Lying in a 3T MRI scanner induces neglect-like spatial attention bias.
    3T MRIスキャナーに横たわると無視のような空間的注意バイアスが誘発される
    Lindner A, Wiesen D, Karnath HO
    Centre of Neurology, Division of Neuropsychology, Hertie-Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen(ドイツ)
    eLife 2021; 10: e71076
  • Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in magnetic resonance environment: an update on regulation, exposure assessment techniques, health risk evaluation, and surveillance.
    Hartwig V, Virgili G, Mattei FE, Biagini C, Romeo S, Zeni O, Scarfì MR, Massa R, Campanella F, Landini L, Gobba F, Modenese A, Giovannetti G
    Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Italian National Research Council (CNR)(イタリア)
    Med Biol Eng Comput 2021: Online
  • Challenges on the effect of cell phone radiation on mammalian embryos and fetuses: a review of the literature.
    Mahaldashtian M, Khalili MA, Anbari F, Seify M, Belli M
    Department of Reproductive Biology, Yazd Reproductive Sciences Institute, Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Zygote 2021: Online






