

  • Penetration and propagation into biological matter and biological effects of high-power ultra-wideband pulses: a review.
    Schunck T, Bieth F, Pinguet S, Delmote P
    French German Research Institute of Saint-Louis(フランス)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2014; Online
  • Mobile telephones: a comparison of radiated power between 3G VoIP calls and 3G VoCS calls.
    Jovanovic D, Bragard G, Picard D, Chauvin S
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    J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2014; Online
  • Validation of self-reported start year of mobile phone use in a Swedish case-control study on radiofrequency fields and acoustic neuroma risk.
    Pettersson D, Bottai M, Mathiesen T, Prochazka M, Feychting M
    Unit of Epidemiology, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet(スウェーデン)
    J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol 2014; Online
  • Effects of the addition of transcranial direct current stimulation to virtual reality therapy after stroke: a pilot randomized controlled trial.
    Viana RT, Laurentino GE, Souza RJ, Fonseca JB, Silva Filho EM, Dias SN, Teixeira-Salmela LF, Monte-Silva KK
    Department of Physical Therapy, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco(ブラジル)
    NeuroRehabilitation 2014; 34 (3): 437-446
  • Optimization of multifocal transcranial current stimulation for weighted cortical pattern targeting from realistic modeling of electric fields.
    Ruffini G, Fox MD, Ripolles O, Miranda PC, Pascual-Leone A
    Starlab Barcelona(スペイン)
    Neuroimage 2014; 89: 216-225
  • Electromagnetic fields and nanomagnetic particles increase the osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells.
    Kim MO, Jung H, Kim SC, Park JK, Seo YK
    Department of Medical Biotechnology, Dongguk University(韓国)
    Int J Mol Med 2014; Online
  • Assessment of radio frequency exposures in schools, homes, and public places in Belgium.
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    Department of Information Technology, Ghent University/iMinds(ベルギー)
    Health Phys 2014; 107 (6): 503-513
  • Reassessing laboratory results of low-frequency electromagnetic field exposure of cells in culture.
    Lin JC
    Univ. of Illinois at Chicago(米国)
    IEEE Ant Prop Mag 2014; 56 (1): 227-229
  • An experimental method for evaluating wireless coexistence of a Bluetooth medical device.
    Seidman S, LaSorte N
    U.S. Food & Drug Adm.(米国)
    IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Magazine 2014; 3 (3): 49-54
  • Experimental Procedure for Determination of the Dielectric Properties of Biological Samples in the 2-50 GHz Range.
    Odelstad E, Raman S, Rydberg A, Augustine R
    Dept. of Phys. & Astron., Uppsala Univ.(スウェーデン)
    IEEE J Transl Eng Health Med 2014; 2: 4300108-1-4300108-8
  • Electromagnetic field strength in proximity of WLAN devices during data and video file transmission.
    Miclaus S, Bechet P
    Land Forces Acad. Nicolae Balcescu(ルーマニア)
    Electron Lett 2014; 50 (19): 1397-1399
  • Assessment of the exposure of children to electromagnetic fields from wireless communication devices in home environments.
    Ibrani M, Ahma L, Hamiti E
    Fac. of Electr. & Comput. Eng., Univ. of Prishtina(コソボ)
    IET Communications 2014; 8 (12): 2222-2228
  • Design of Miniaturized Double-Negative Material for Specific Absorption Rate Reduction in Human Head.
    Faruque MR, Islam MT
    Centre for Space Science, Research Centre Building, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia(マレーシア)
    PLoS One 2014; 9 (10): e109947
  • Short- and long-term exposure to alternating magnetic field (50 Hz, 0.5 mT) affects rat pituitary ACTH cells: stereological study.
    交流磁界(50 Hz、0.5 mT)の短期および長期のばく露はラットの脳下垂体ACTH細胞に影響する:立体解析学的研究
    Raus Balind S, Manojlovic-Stojanoski M, Milosevic V, Todorovic D, Nikolic L, Petkovic B
    Institute for Biological Research Siniša Stankovic, University of Belgrade(セルビア)
    Environ Toxicol 2014; Online
  • Effect of electromagnetic radiations on neurodegenerative diseases - technological revolution as a curse in disguise.
    Hasan GM, Sheikh IA, Karim S, Haque A, Kamal MA, Chaudhary AG, Azhar E, Mirza Z
    King Fahd Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University(サウジアラビア)
    CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets 2014; Online
  • Adaptive response in mice exposed to 900 MHz radiofrequency fields: Bleomycin-induced DNA and oxidative damage/repair.
    Zong C, Ji Y, He Q, Zhu S, Qin F, Tong J, Cao Y
    School of Public Health, Medical College of Soochow University(中国)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2014; 1-21
  • Computational dosimetry for child and adult human models due to contact current from 10 Hz to 110 MHz.
    Chan KH, Ohta S, Laakso I, Hirata A, Suzuki Y, Kavet R
    Nagoya Institute of Technology(日本)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2014; Online
  • Increases in microvascular perfusion and tissue oxygenation via pulsed electromagnetic fields in the healthy rat brain.
    Bragin DE, Statom GL, Hagberg S, Nemoto EM
    Department of Neurosurgery and Biomedical Research and Integrative Neuroimaging Center, University of New Mexico(米国)
    J Neurosurg 2014; Online
  • Occupational electromagnetic field exposures associated with sleep quality: a cross-sectional study.
    Liu H, Chen G, Pan Y, Chen Z, Jin W, Sun C, Chen C, Dong X, Chen K, Xu Z, Zhang S, Yu Y
    Department of Epidemiology & Health Statistics, School of Public Health, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University(中国)
    PLoS One 2014; 9 (10): e110825
  • The effect of electroacupuncture on tendon repair in a rat Achilles tendon rupture model.
    Inoue M, Nakajima M, Oi Y, Hojo T, Itoi M, Kitakoji H
    Department of Clinical Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Meiji University of Integrative Medicine(日本)
    Acupunct Med 2014; Online
  • Effect of Extremely Low Frequency Electromagnetic Field and/or GABAB Receptors on Foot Shock-induced Aggression in Rats.
    Fard MT, Bahaeddini A, Shomali T, Haghighi SK
    School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Basic Sciences, Shiraz University(イラン)
    Basic Clin Neurosci 2014; 5 (2): 169-172
  • Sinusoidal electromagnetic fields promote bone formation and inhibit bone resorption in rat femoral tissues in vitro.
    Zhou J, Ma XN, Gao YH, Yan JL, Shi WG, Xian CJ, Chen KM
    Institute of Orthopaedics, Lanzhou General Hospital, Lanzhou Command of CPLA(中国)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2014; Online
  • Short- and long-term electrical performance of the 5086MRI pacing lead.
    Rickard J, Taborsky M, Bello D, Johnson WB, Ramza B, Chang Y, Wilkoff BL
    Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine(米国)
    Heart Rhythm 2014; 11 (2): 222-229
  • Dental movement acceleration: Literature review by an alternative scientific evidence method.
    Camacho AD, Cujar SA
    Department of Orthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Universidad del Valle(コロンビア)
    World J Methodol 2014; 4 (3): 151-162
  • Apoptotic cell death during Drosophila oogenesis is differentially increased by electromagnetic radiation depending on modulation, intensity and duration of exposure.
    Sagioglou NE, Manta AK, Giannarakis IK, Skouroliakou AS, Margaritis LH
    Department of Cell Biology and Biophysics, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens(ギリシャ)
    Electromagn Biol Med 2014; 1-14
  • Effect of frequency on entrance and propagation pattern of high-frequency (radiofrequency) electrical currents in biologic tissues.
    Taheri A, Mansoori P, Huang KE, Feldman SR
    Center for Dermatology Research, Department of Dermatology, Wake Forest School of Medicine(米国)
    Skin Res Technol 2014; Online
  • The cross-talk between spinal cord stimulators and the Confirm cardiac monitor.
    Chaiban GM, Davidov M, Cummings JE, Lehrian LE, Yee EM, Dugan A, Almualim MS, Atallah JN
    Anesthesiology, University of Toledo Medical Center(米国)
    Neuromodulation 2014; 17 (1): 42-7
  • Generation of infant anatomical models for evaluating electromagnetic field exposures.
    Li C, Chen Z, Yang L, Lv B, Liu J, Varsier N, Hadjem A, Wiart J, Xie Y, Ma L, Wu T
    China Academy of Telecommunication Research of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology(中国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2014; Online
  • Associations between specific technologies and adolescent sleep quantity, sleep quality, and parasomnias.
    Arora T, Broglia E, Thomas GN, Taheri S
    Weill Cornell Medical College in New York, USA; Weill Cornell Medical College in Doha(カタール)
    Sleep Med 2014; 15 (2): 240-247
  • Biological markers in noninvasive brain stimulation trials in major depressive disorder: a systematic review.
    Fidalgo TM, Morales-Quezada JL, Muzy GS, Chiavetta NM, Mendonca ME, Santana MV, Goncalves OF, Brunoni AR, Fregni F
    Laboratory of Neuromodulation, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital, Harvard Medical School(米国)
    J ECT 2014; 30 (1): 47-61
  • Neural basis of tDCS effects on auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia: a case report evidence for cortical neuroplasticity modulation.
    Nawani H, Kalmady SV, Bose A, Shivakumar V, Rakesh G, Subramaniam A, Narayanaswamy JC, Venkatasubramanian G
    Schizophrenia Clinic, Department of Psychiatry and Translational Psychiatry Laboratory, Neurobiology Research Centre, National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences(インド)
    J ECT 2014; 30 (1): e2-e4
  • Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for fatigue in multiple sclerosis.
    Ferrucci R, Vergari M, Cogiamanian F, Bocci T, Ciocca M, Tomasini E, De Riz M, Scarpini E, Priori A
    Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda, Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico(イタリア)
    NeuroRehabilitation 2014; 34 (1): 121-127
  • Novel Wireless-Communicating Textiles Made from Multi-Material and Minimally-Invasive Fibers.
    Gorgutsa S, Belanger-Garnier V, Ung B, Viens J, Gosselin B, LaRochelle S, Messaddeq Y
    Centre for Optics, Photonics and Lasers (COPL), Université Laval, Quebec(カナダ)
    Sensors (Basel) 2014; 14 (10): 19260-19274
  • Enhancing the properties of beam forming bolus in hyperthermia: numerical simulation and empirical verification.
    Aghayan SA, Sardari D, Mahdavi SR, Mohammadi M
    Department of Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University(イラン)
    Australas Phys Eng Sci Med 2014; Online
  • National surveys of radiofrequency field strengths from radio base stations in Africa.
    Joyner KH, van Wyk MJ, Rowley JT
    Joyner & Associates Pty Ltd(オーストラリア)
    Radiat Prot Dosimetry 2014; 158 (3): 251-262
  • Electrical Stimulation of Abdominal Muscles to Produce Cough in Spinal Cord Injury: Effect of Stimulus Intensity.
    McBain RA, Boswell-Ruys CL, Lee BB, Gandevia SC, Butler JE
    Neuroscience Research Australia, Randwick, NSW, Australia University of New South Wales(オーストラリア)
    Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2014; Online
  • Safety of electroconvulsive therapy in the presence of cranial metallic objects.
    Gahr M, Connemann BJ, Freudenmann RW, Schonfeldt-Lecuona C
    Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy III, University of Ulm(ドイツ)
    J ECT 2014; 30 (1): 62-68
  • Therapeutic potential of electromagnetic fields for tissue engineering and wound healing.
    Saliev T, Mustapova Z, Kulsharova G, Bulanin D, Mikhalovsky S
    Department of Regenerative Medicine and Artificial Organs, Centre for Life Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Astana(カザフスタン)
    Cell Prolif 2014; Online
  • Decreased Survival of Glioma Patients with Astrocytoma Grade IV (Glioblastoma Multiforme) Associated with Long-Term Use of Mobile and Cordless Phones.
    Carlberg M, Hardell L
    Department of Oncology, University Hospital, Orebro(スウェーデン)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2014; 11 (10): 10790-10805
  • Human Exposure to Close-Range Resonant Wireless Power Transfer Systems as a Function of Design Parameters.
    Chen XL, Baarman DW, Chavannes N
    Laboratory of Electromagnetics and Acoustics, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(スイス)
    IEEE Trans Electromagn Compat 2014; 56 (5): 1027-1034
  • Association between mobile phone use and inattention in 7102 Chinese adolescents: a population-based cross-sectional study.
    Zheng F, Gao P, He M, Li M, Wang C, Zeng Q, Zhou Z, Yu Z, Zhang L
    Department of Occupational Health, Key Laboratory of Medical Protection for Electromagnetic Radiation, Third Military Medical University(中国)
    BMC Public Health 2014; 14: 1022






