

  • Enhancement of X-ray Induced Apoptosis by Mobile Phone-Like Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields in Mouse Spermatocyte-Derived Cells.
    Zhang KY, Xu H, Du L, Xing JL, Zhang B, Bai QS, Xu YQ, Zhou YC, Zhang JP, Zhou Y, Ding GR
    Department of Radiation Biology, Fourth Military Medical University(中国)
    Int J Environ Res Public Health 2017;14(6):E616
  • The effect of 1800MHz radio-frequency radiation on NMDA receptor subunit NR1 expression and peroxidation in the rat brain in healthy and inflammatory states.
    健康状態および炎症状態のラットの脳におけるNMDA受容体サブユニットNR1の発現および過酸化に対する1800 MHz無線周波放射の影響
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    Department of Microwave Safety, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology(ポーランド)
    Biomed Pharmacother 2017;92:802-809
  • Erratum to Bortkiewicz et al. "Mobile phone use and risk for intracranial tumors and salivary gland tumors - A meta-analysis" (Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(1):27-43).
    訂正:Bortkiewicz他、「携帯電話使用と頭蓋内腫瘍および唾液腺腫瘍のリスク:メタ分析」(Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017;30(1):27-43)
    Bortkiewicz A
    Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine(ポーランド)
    Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017: Online
  • Adaptive Response Induced by Pre-Exposure to 915 MHz Radiofrequency: A Possible Role for Antioxidant Enzyme Activity.
    915 MHz無線周波への事前ばく露による適応応答:抗酸化酵素活性に対してあり得る役割
    Mortazavi SMJ, Mostafavi-Pour Z, Daneshmand M, Zal F, Zare R, Mosleh-Shirazi MA
    Medical Physics and Medical Engineering Department, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    J Biomed Phys Eng 2017;7(2):137-142
  • Comparative analyses of studies of childhood leukemia and magnetic fields, radon and gamma radiation.
    Kheifets L, Swanson J, Yuan Y, Kusters C, Vergara X
    University of California Los Angeles(米国)
    J Radiol Prot 2017;37(2):459-491
  • Occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields in the Polish Armed Forces.
    Sobiech J, Kieliszek J, Puta R, Bartczak D, Stankiewicz W
    Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology(ポーランド)
    Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2017: Online
  • Modelling of induced electric fields based on incompletely known magnetic fields.
    Laakso I, de Santis V, Cruciani S, Campi T, Feliziani M
    Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Aalto university(フィンランド)
    Phys Med Biol 2017: Online
  • Chinook salmon and green sturgeon migrate through San Francisco Estuary despite large distortions in the local magnetic field produced by bridges.
    Klimley AP, Wyman MT, Kavet R
    Biotelemetry Laboratory, Department of Fish, Wildlife, & Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis(米国)
    PLoS One 2017;12(6):e0169031
  • Mobile phone use, school electromagnetic field levels and related symptoms: a cross-sectional survey among 2150 high school students in Izmir.
    Durusoy R, Hassoy H, Özkurt A, Karababa AO
    Department of Public Health, Ege University Medical School, Ege Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi(トルコ)
    Environ Health 2017;16(1):51
  • Influence of extremely low frequency magnetic fields on Ca(2+) signaling and double messenger system in mice hippocampus and reversal function of procyanidins extracted from lotus seedpod.
    Zhang H, Dai Y, Cheng Y, He Y, Manyakara Z, Duan Y, Sun G, Sun X
    School of Food and Biological Engineering, Jiangsu University(中国)
    Bioelectromagnetics 2017: Online
  • Magnetic fields exposure from high-voltage power lines and risk of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in two Italian populations.
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    Environmental, Genetic, and Nutritional Epidemiology Research Center - CREAGEN, Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences , University of Modena and Reggio Emilia(イタリア)
    Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener 2017: Online
  • Effects of acute and chronic exposure to both 900 MHz and 2100 MHz electromagnetic radiation on glutamate receptor signaling pathway.
    グルタミン酸受容体のシグナル伝達経路に対する900 MHzおよび2100 MHzの電磁放射への急性および慢性ばく露の影響
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    Faculty of Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering , Akdeniz University(トルコ)
    Int J Radiat Biol 2017: Online
  • Acute Neuroinflammation Promotes Cell Responses to 1800 MHz GSM Electromagnetic Fields in the Rat Cerebral Cortex.
    急性の神経炎症はラットの大脳皮質での1800 MHzのGSM電磁界に対する細胞応答を促進する
    Lameth J, Gervais A, Colin C, Lévêque P, Jay TM, Edeline JM, Mallat M
    Sorbonne Universités(フランス)
    Neurotox Res 2017: Online
  • Exposure to extremely low and intermediate-frequency magnetic and electric fields among children from the INMA-Gipuzkoa cohort.
    Gallastegi M, Jiménez-Zabala A, Santa-Marina L, Aurrekoetxea JJ, Ayerdi M, Ibarluzea J, Kromhout H, González J, Huss A
    BIODONOSTIA Health Research Institute(スペイン)
    Environ Res 2017;157:190-197
  • Effects of prenatal exposure to WIFI signal (2.45GHz) on postnatal development and behavior in rat: Influence of maternal restraint. impairment
    ラットの出生後の発達および行動に対するWI-FI信号(2.45 GHz)への出生前ばく露の影響:母獣の拘束の影響力
    Othman H, Ammari M, Sakly M, Abdelmelek H
    University of Carthage, Faculty of Sciences of Bizerte, Laboratory of Integrative Physiology(チュニジア)
    Behav Brain Res 2017;326:291-302
  • Cytotoxicity of temozolomide on human glioblastoma cells is enhanced by the concomitant exposure to an extremely low-frequency electromagnetic field (100Hz, 100G).
    ヒト神経膠芽腫細胞に対するテモゾロミド[抗がん剤の一つ]の細胞毒性は超低周波電磁界(100 Hz、100 G)への付随的なばく露によって強められる
    Akbarnejad Z, Eskandary H, Dini L, Vergallo C, Nematollahi-Mahani SN, Farsinejad A, Abadi MFS, Ahmadi M
    Neuroscience Research Center, Institute of Neuropharmacology, Kerman University of Medical Sciences(イラン)
    Biomed Pharmacother 2017;92:254-264
  • Magnetic resonance imaging : Recent studies on biological effects of static magnetic and high‑frequency electromagnetic fields.
    Pophof B, Brix G
    Abteilung für Wirkungen und Risiken ionisierender und nichtionisierender Strahlung, Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz(ドイツ)
    Radiologe 2017: Online






