WHO reconstructed its websites on EMF


24 June, 2020.

World Health Organization (WHO) has reconstructed its websites on electromagnetic fields under "Radiation and health" which belongs to the major classification of "Environment, Climate Change and Health" as one of the "Health topics".

The following items are posted on "Electromagnetic fields" webpage:
- Fact sheets: "Electromagnetic fields and public health: mobile phones"
- Q&As: "What are electromagnetic fields?"; "5G mobile networks and health"
- Guidelines: "Establishing a Dialogue on Risks from Electromagnetic Fields"
- Database: "Legislation on exposure to electromagnetic fields"
- Initiatives: The International EMF Project
- WHO Teams: Radiation and health

"Electromagnetic fields" webpage also includes the following topics:
- Research on radiofrequency fields
- Training resources
- Health risk assessment
- Research agenda on electromagnetic fields

URL: https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/radiation-and-health