ICNIRP published the Committee members of 2016- 2020

International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)  published the Committee members of 2016- 2020.

Publisher:International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)  
Title:Commission 2016-2020



The composition of the ICNIRP Commission for the term of office 2016-2020 is as below. The new term of office starts right after the End of the upcoming IRPA Congress on 13 May 2016.

Eric van Rongen (Chair), Netherlands
Maria Feychting (Vice Chair), Sweden
Rodney Croft, Australia
Guglielmo d'Inzeo, Italy
Adele Green, Australia
Akimasa Hirata, Japan
Brian Lund, USA
Carmela Marino, Italy
Sharon Miller, USA
Gunnhild Oftedal, Norway
Tsutomu Okuno, Japan
Martin Röösli, Switzerland
Zenon Sienkiewicz, United Kingdom
Soichi Watanabe, Japan

Gunde Ziegelberger (Scientific Secretary), Austria 

Background information
As per the ICNIRP Statutes, every four year ICNIRP elects the Commission members. For the term of office 2016-2020, the election took place at the ICNIRP Annual General Meeting, 18-20 November 2015, San Antonio, USA. Following the call for nominations extended to the Commission members, the IRPA societies and international and national public radiation protection authorities 24 candidates stood for candidature. The ICNIRP Scientific Secretariat was confirmed.